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Join Us


David is a missionary with Global Service Associates (GSA). Like many other missions organizations, GSA has no central funds to pay missionary salaries or ministry expenses. David and his family depend on the consistent financial support of concerned individuals, churches and organizations - we call these people our team.


How You Can Help


Would you pray about joining our team as a financial partner by making a monthly commitment of $100, $200 or some other amount?


Your monthly support would go towards our every day expenses (medical insurance, housing, food...), ministry expenses (materials, training, travel, etc.) and 9% administrative costs from GSA.


To give online, CLICK HERE. Once on this page put the amount of your gift and on the line that says Project or Member Designation put David Williams. Then fill in your personal and financial information. GSA uses secure servers to protect your donation.


Or send your donation to:


Global Service Associates, P.O. Box 20425, Boulder, CO 80308-3425 


(Please indicate your donation is for David Williams by sending a note with your donation and by putting David's name on the memo line of your check ).


Have questions about supporting David's ministry with GSA? E-mail him at Thanks!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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