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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Father, Thank You for Sending Jesus. Help Me to Give Myself Fully to You! (Prayer Journal 170)

Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for being forgiving, merciful, kind, gracious, patient, good, and oh so loving. In this season, I should be celebrating that Jesus came into the world to save me from sin and make me Yours. Yet, I confess that my mind is so distracted from You. Sadly, my body is more desirous of the excessive food and desserts than my soul longs after You. That should never be. Why is it so hard for me to give myself to You in light of who You are and what You have done for me? I treat You with less esteem and honor than I give to temporary things that are put in my mouth, digested in my stomach, and expelled out of my body as waste.

You are the eternal and holy One who has created me for Your pleasure and purpose. Though my sin is deserving of Your wrath, I am thankful that You sent Your Son Jesus to be the atoning sacrifice for my sin and the sins of the entire world. The riches of Your mercy and the abundance of Your grace I will never be able to fathom along with Your greatness. There is noone like You and none that has done for me what You have done.

What amazes me is that my sin does not surprise You or catch You off guard. You are well aware of it all, every wrong thought, word, action, motive, and intention. When Jesus died to satisfy Your righteous anger for sin, He took care of all of it by offering Himself as the substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of the world on Calvary's cross. Thus, I do not need to grovel over my sin, feel guilty for it, or allow shame to have me living in the shadows of condemnation any longer. I just need to confess it, turn from it, and return to You with my whole heart.

Why do I consciously keep choosing that which keeps me from enjoying and experiencing You daily? That makes absolutely no sense at all. For You are the only One who can truly satisfy me. I have access into Your holy presence, the courts of everlasting love, and I choose to wallow outside in the mud. God, awaken my heart to You. Do not allow me to keep drifting on the current of the world, indulging my selfish desires, and believing the lies of the enemy of my soul over Your truth. For You are the Lover of my soul who loves me with an everlasting and unconditional love that nothing in all creation can ever separate me from.

Help me to live this life yielded to Your Holy Spirit. I recognize that, apart from You working in me, it is utterly impossible for me to love You and live for You in this world. I am asking and needing You to help me abide in Jesus as Your Word abides in me that I might bear much fruit to your glory Father. I am thankful that there is nothing too hard or impossible for You and with You in my life all things are possible. God, I need You to meet with me, manifest Your presence to me, pour out Your Spirit upon my life and fill me, and loose Your Word to me as You open my ears and soften my heart. Grant me a holy encounter with Your presence that will move my apathetic, indifferent heart to become one that pursues You with a passionate and relentless pursuit until my entire life is consumed by Your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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