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God, Give Us Your Heart Regarding Unplanned Pregnancies and Abortion (Prayer Journal 118)

God, grant Your people Your heart of justice and mercy when it comes to preborn babies, women and men in unplanned pregnancies, and those who have had abortion experiences. Help us to speak up for the preborn babies created in Your image who cannot speak up for themselves, to rescue the innocent, defend the weak and needy and love our most vulnerable neighbors as we love ourselves. May we do everything that we can, in the power of Your Spirit, to save the lives of preborn babies that You are knitting together in their mother's wombs.

Also, give us Your eyes and heart of compassion for women and men who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy regardless of the reason. May we recognize that they too are created in Your image and regardless of their choices that You sent Your Son Jesus into the world to not only forgive them but to show them their incredible worth and value to You.

Use us to minister the glorious gospel of Jesus to them as we show them in tangible ways Your care and kindness. May we be a part of many women and men being born again to new and eternal life in Jesus Christ. Move these men and women to choose life for their preborn children. Stir them by Your Spirit and place them in communities of Jesus followers who will come alongside of them as they raise up these children in the fear and instruction of the Lord. May we see generational sins broken and a new legacy of generational blessings flow to these families.

Lastly, awaken Your Church to minister to the multitudes of those who have been affected by the sin of abortion (whether they recognize it or not). Open our eyes to see this harvest field as never before. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. So, I ask You, Jesus, the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into this harvest. May this multitude come to know the forgiveness, grace, healing, restoration, salvation, and transformation that comes through faith in Jesus. Though the thief (satan) came to steal, kill, and to destroy we are so grateful that You (Jesus) came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Let that life flow through Your people and to this world that desperately needs You. Amen!!!

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