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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God Help Me to See Myself as I Am in Christ and Live for Him! (Prayer Journal 178)

Father thank You for being slow to anger and rich in mercy. Thank You for being patient, gracious, and forgiving. Forgive me for often indulging my flesh with too much food and for not spending much time in prayer and fasting. It is absolutely mind blowing that Your grace is greater than my sin. You continually see the righteousness of Your Son Jesus covering me even when my heart tells me that I am just a sinner who deserves Your judgement. Help me to see myself as I am in Christ.

Thank You for Your relentless pursuit of my heart until every inch of it belongs to You. Though You have the power to come and conquer it, You are longing for me to surrender it to You. I am now Christ's captive and a slave of righteousness. Yet I am also a dearly loved son who willingly invites You to take Your rightful place on the throne of my heart. Help me to understand the tension between Your part and mines. For You are fulfilling the purpose that You have for my life, and You've called me to play a part in the process as Your Spirit empowers me.

God help me to let go and let You have Your way in my life, marriage, family, work, and ministry. Open doors and lead me to walk on Your path with boldness, compassion, love, humility, grace, and truth to the people and places that You've called me to partner with You. Help me to daily live in intimate fellowship with You and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Show me every sin that causes me to not experience intimacy with You and others. Lead me to confess and repent of them as You revive my heart.

I want to know You better and to walk in Your ways. Do not let me get sidetracked from You the eternal heavenly King by temporary things on earth that are infinitely below You. Grant me an encounter with Your glory and a vision of the part that You have called and anointed me to play in Your eternal purpose. May there be nothing that will be able to shake me, turn me around, or get me to give up and quit. Continue to make me a man who is desperately dependent on You who knows that if You do not do what You've called me to then I cannot. Yet make me a man with an unshakeable confidence because of Your ever abiding presence with me. For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Open my ears to hear Your voice as You tell me the direction that You are calling me to go. Help me not to turn from Your way to the right or to the left. Thank You that Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Help me to hide Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. Bring me to the place where I love You more than anyone and anything else. Help me to demonstrate my love to You by my obedience to Your Word and my love for others. Bring me to the place where I will do whatever You say. Lead me, Lord!

Jesus may Your love that has been shed abroad in the hearts of Your followers by the Holy Spirit compel us to live for You and take Your gospel to those who do not know You. You will receive the full measure of Your reward, every soul that was purchased by Your shed blood from every nation, tribe, people group, and language. Mobilize and send us forth empowered by Your Spirit to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations of the earth so that You can return. Marantha, come quickly Lord! Amen!!!

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