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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, Make Me a Drum Major of Justice for Preborn Babies! (Prayer Journal 129)

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

God, help me to love what You love and to hate what You hate. Break my heart with what breaks Yours and cause everything that I am to be for Your Kingdom cause. Send You holy presence before me and help me to follow Jesus wherever He leads me. Give me a mouth and wisdom that my adversaries will not be able to gainsay nor resist.

Jesus, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and may You be my greatest delight and desire. I ask that You manifest, reveal, and even speak to others through my life and lips. Anoint and use me to defend the weak and the fatherless, to rescue the innocent, and be a voice for the voiceless, a drum major of justice, and a minister of Your mercy. I am so tired of sitting back while there is such great injustice and inhumanity being done to the weakest and most vulnerable in our nation, preborn babies.

God, move my heart to say 'yes' to enter whatever arena, even politics, that You want me to enter into as Your Kingdom representative. Forgive me for doing little to nothing while thousands of preborn babies are being killed through abortion daily in this land of 'freedom' and 'justice'. Show me what You want me to do and empower me to walk by faith and to obey You. Make it such that I can no longer idly sit by and do nothing. Stir my heart as You did William Wilberforce's to put an end to the slave trade in England. Stir my heart to join with those who You'll use to put an end to abortion in each and every state, county, and city in the United States of America where abortion is not only killing preborn babies but devastating the lives of women, men, and families.

God, throw me into the deep water where I am no longer able to manage jumping in and out as I see fit. Put me out there where there is no turning back. Sadly, I do not feel like I fit it with parts of the 'organized church', some pregnancy center ministries, or many right to life/political groups. You insert me into this cultural battle, as You will, to bring the hope of Jesus Christ. Move me forward by faith and do not let me shrink back in fear. This battle is too great for me and the forces of the evil one is too numerous. At times I get overwhelmed and do not know what to do but my eyes are on You. Thank You that the battle is not mine but Yours and if You be for me than who shall be against me. You always cause me to be victorious in Christ. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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