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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God Make Us People Who Love Your Presence. Revive Us Again! (Prayer Journal 176)

Father, in Jesus' name, thank You that Your faithfulness is as sure as this day that we are living in. Thank You for new mercies every morning and Your compassions that do not fail. You are great and greatly to be praised. Your greatness is unsearchable. You are wonderful and worthy of all praise. You are more awesome than we could ever know. Help us to be humble before You the Majestic Glory. For a broken spirit and a contrite heart, You will not despise.

God keep us mindful that we need You desperately. May we be people who are in hot pursuit of You, God-chasers. People who love Your presence and hate any and everything that keeps us from enjoying You. Just as there are Wi-Fi hotspots that allow devices to access the internet, make us mobile hotspots for Your presence so that people around us can encounter You. You are everywhere present at all times. So, there is never even a single inch of Your creation where you are not.

We are especially grateful for Your manifest presence that goes before us to prepare people's hearts for Jesus. Thank You for preparing us to carry Your manifest presence and Word to them. Just as the angel of the Lord was in the bush, Your Holy Spirit is in us. Cause our hearts to rage with Your fire so that our lives will burn for You before a watching world. Get their attention so that they know that they are on holy ground and will humble themselves before You. Speak Your words to them through us to change their lives and destinies forever.

We pray for those who have physical life but are spiritually dead because they have not believed in Your Son Jesus. May today be the day of salvation for many as they hear Your voice and come out of their graves. Anoint and use us to preach Jesus to many as You open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God that they may receive the forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are set apart through faith in Jesus Christ.

Stir up our hearts to give You the preeminence, priority, and first place only in our lives. May all that we do be motivated by Your love for us and how You want to use us to share Your love with others. Revive us, O God! As we are revived use us to bring a great spiritual awakening to our neighbors and to the nations. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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