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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, May You Be Our Greatest Desire (Prayer Journal - Excerpt 3)

Holy Father, You are Sovereign and seated on Your throne in heaven as You rule over all. There is absolutely no one or nothing that can stop Your will and purpose from coming to pass. You are the One who declares the end from the beginning. You are the self-existing, eternal God who has brought everything that does exist into existence. You are the Maker of the heavens and the earth! Heaven is Your throne and the earth is Your footstool. You are the high and lofty One, the Holy One, who inhabits eternity. And yet You dwell with those who are contrite and humble of heart. O God, cause us to be overwhelmed by the truth that You are Holy and infinitely more majestic than we could ever imagine.

God, in this season of waiting, cause us, Your people, to return to You as You return to us. Show us our sins and lead us to confess and repent of them. Bring us to the place where we renounce every idol and false god that we have given our hearts to instead of, alongside, and before You. Revive the church of Jesus Christ! Draw us near to You as You, God, draw near to us. Do not allow us to pass the time You've given us now with frivolous entertainment, personal projects, and meaningless pursuits. Grant us a longing for Your presence and make us repulsed with any cheap substitutes for You.

Help us to be still and to know that You are God - to silence ourselves before Your Holy presence. As You quiet our hearts in Your presence, speak to us. You are our Shepherd and we are Your sheep who know Your voice. So help us to remove all distractions and open our ears to hear You. Open our minds to understand Your Word. Open our eyes to see You and Your activity in our lives, families, and world. Make our hearts soft and sensitive to You and move us to respond to You in faith and obedience. Write Your Word on the tablet of our hearts in an overflowing manner so that our lives and words glorify Your great name. Constantly remind us that You are God and we are not and lead us to humble ourselves before You. Make us a people of prayer who call out to You day and night.

O God, bring us to the place where we realize that we are nothing without You and apart from You can do nothing. May we be a people who realize that all we need is You and with that we are satisfied needing nothing else. Make us a people who desire You more than we desire anyone or anything else. As the deer pants for the water brooks cause our souls to long after You. Shake us from the apathy, complacency, and indifference that we often have towards You. Set our hearts ablaze with a passion for You that consumes our entire lives. Spirit of God breakthrough in our hearts and take out everything in us that is not like Jesus. Pour out Your Spirit on us and cause Your glory to cover the earth!

God, make our greatest desire to know You more and as we do use us to make You known to others. May Your presence in our lives be such that it can not be kept secret. Cause others to see and hear of the great things that You have and are doing to, in, and through our lives. Jesus, live Your resurrected life in us and use us through the preaching of the gospel to bring salvation and transformation to individuals, families, churches, communities, cities, regions, and nations. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Please let the Lord minister to your heart as you listen to and reflect on the words of this song. God bless!!!

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