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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, Please Move Me From This Mountain! (Prayer Journal 125)

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, thank You that You are at work in my life, marriage, family, ministry, and in the world. You are working in powerful ways to glorify Your name, build Your Kingdom, and causing Your will to be done as it is in heaven whether I recognize it or not. I personally want to thank You for Your peace, Your protection, Your provision, Your presence, Your power, and Your purpose being fulfilled in us, through us, and often in spite of us.

God, there was once a time in my life when each day seemed like a new adventure where there was this real sense that You were at work in my life and would show me what to do. I even saw the little and mundane things as steppingstones to greater intimacy with You and greater usefulness for Your Kingdom purposes. Yet presently most days I wake up going through the motions with little to no expectation of your mighty working to, in, and through my life. I know that I often miss so many opportunities to partner with You in Your purpose and will. I feel stuck living on autopilot with little to no expectation of You guiding my life as You order my steps. Being honest, I feel like most of my days are like the movie 'Groundhog Day' where I have a general idea of what will happen.

O God, please bring me out of the spiritual malaise caused by breathing too deeply the air of this fallen world. Put Your smelling salts to my nose from being hit with too many punches in this world. Put Your defibrillator to my heart to shock it back to passionately pursuing You. Thank you that even when I am stuck and drifting that You have not removed Your love from me, changed Your mind about me nor Your plans for my life. Stir me to seek You and find You as I search for You will all of my heart. Help me to come to You continually believing that You exist for You are indeed a rewarder of those who diligently seek You.

God, bring me back to the heart of worship where it is all about Jesus. Please show me what is getting in the way of Jesus having the preeminence, priority, and first place only in my life. Move me to confess and repent of my sin, to renounce idols and false gods that have caused me to commit spiritual adultery against You and return to You with my whole heart. I need You to revive me again, O Lord! Fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit and help me to walk in the Spirit so that I do not give in to the desires and passions of my flesh.

God, help me to live in intimate fellowship with You. Grant me a great sensitivity to Your Holy Spirit and Your activity in and around me. Open my ears to hear Your voice and a soft moldable heart to do whatever You say. Position me right where You have ordained for me to serve You in the body of Christ and in the world. Put me in fellowship and close proximity with those who are of one heart, one mind, and on one accord with Your Kingdom agenda for the strengthening of the body of Christ and the salvation of those who are lost. When it comes to Your Kingdom assignment for my life give me the heart posture of Mary when the angel told her she would miraculously conceive and give birth to Jesus, the Son of God. For I too am Your servant. Thanks for hearing and answering this prayer. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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