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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, Show Me What To Do! (Prayer Journal - Excerpt 8)

Father, in Jesus name, I praise You for You are Sovereign and You declare the end from before the beginning. In the midst of all of the uncertainty in the world and about the future, how comforting is it to know that You are never at a loss as to what to do and You have the power to do all that You have planned to do.

God, in this pandemic of COVID -19, I feel like I have been displaced, put on the sidelines, from what You've called and gifted me to do as a speaker. I confess that I am growing tired and weary of sitting on the sidelines in the midst of such great need in the world. I feel like I am wasting precious time, talents, and treasures that You've entrusted to me to glorify Your name, bless others, and build Your Kingdom.

God, I confess that I am at a loss as to what to do and utterly incapable of bringing anything to pass in my own power. I'll admit that because of that I have been discouraged. What that indicates to me is that I have taken my eyes off You, allowed my thoughts to drift from You, and allowed other things to capture my heart besides You. God, I need You. You are the only One who can help me and remind me of the hope that I have in Christ. You are the only One who can cause me to thrive in the wilderness and flourish in the desert.

God, my thoughts have been preoccupied with the fact that I am not all that tech-savvy, creative, or innovative and really have no idea of how to use the digital platforms of our day to take the gospel of Christ to others. In light of this, God I am asking You to stir up creativity in me, grant me wisdom, and send people for me to partner with that You've burdened and gifted to use technology to take the gospel to the nations.

Yet, even more than this, I ask that You give me an undivided heart for You and teach me to fear Your holy name. For what the church and the world needs is Jesus and not just gifted men and women with a message about Jesus. So, God, I ask that You would manifest Your presence and fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that my entire life is consumed by You and radiates Jesus.

God, help me to fix my eyes, mind, and heart upon You! In this season of waiting, prepare me to fully give You my heart and to put my 'yes' on the altar to do whatever You want me to do. So that when You call me forth to partner in Your Kingdom agenda that I am ready. Rightly knowing that it is only because of You that I am summoned to the place of service and that Jesus is all that I truly have to offer in that place. Make me a man who is deeply and desperately needy of You with great confidence that Your presence has gone before me and that You are with me. O God, drain every ounce of confidence that I have in myself and bring me to the place where my boast is in Christ alone. For there is salvation in no one else!

In regards to ministry, You are going to have to show and tell me what to do next for I do not have a clue. And I do not want to waste time trying to figure it out as I do not know all of the intricacies of the present and have no ability to predict the future. So I look to You the all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal God to light up the way that You are calling me to walk in as I follow You. Speak Lord and give me ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Grant me a soft, sensitive, yielded heart to do whatever You speak to me. Do not let me step out in a direction until You have done everything that You need to do in my heart and life for me to desire and glorify You only in Your calling on my life.

God, in the waiting, help me to continue to give You thanks and praise even in the mundane. Use me to love and serve my wife and kids, to be faithful with each and every opportunity that You give me to love those in the family of God, and to minister grace and truth to those who do not know Christ. O God, replace the anxious thoughts that I have about ministry and the future with Your peace. Fill me with Your oil of joy and strengthen my life in You. May Christ only be the preoccupation of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen!

May the Lord use this song as You surrender to Him and His calling on your life. God bless!!!

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