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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, Use Us To Show Others Jesus!!! (Prayer Journal 88)

Father, in Jesus' name, thank you for Your faithfulness and for Your sovereign working in our hearts, lives, marriages, families, churches, communities, cities, states, and nations in spite of what our ears hear and eyes see. You are great and absolutely amazing. You are God and besides You there is no other. You are the Most High God whose throne is established in the heavens and whose Kingdom rules over all. You are the high and lofty One, the holy One, who inhabits eternity. Yet You dwell with those who are humble and lowly of heart.

God, thank You for the indwelling presence of Your Holy Spirit. Help us to daily yield to Him, surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, submit to Your will, and obey Your word. Lord Jesus we need You! Your Church needs You! We cannot do what You've called us to do apart from You. Forgive us for thinking that we could do it in our strength and human wisdom. Forgive us for failing to walk worthy of the gospel that You have entrusted to us. Forgive us for loving the world more than You and employing worldly methodologies and strategies to present You to others. Forgive us for living like the world rather than like You who lives in us. Produce a godly sorrow in our hearts over sin that leads us to repent and return to You. Revive us and bring us to the place where You only are seated on the throne of our hearts and ruling over the affairs of our lives.

God, show each member of the body of Christ the part that You've assigned us as we honor the Father's name as holy, build Your Kingdom, and do Your will on earth as it is in heaven. May we as ambassadors for Christ represent You well in the days and times in which we live. Anoint us to partner with You in prayer and to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness, compassion, urgency, and wisdom. Our world needs You, Jesus, whether they realize it or not. Our family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, enemies, citizens of our cities, states, and nations, and leaders on all levels need You! In the midst of all that is happening in this world show us what to do, give us the words You want us to speak, lead us where You want us to go, and use us by Your Spirit to reveal You to others. For Jesus You are the only Savior of the world and the hope of nations. Amen!!!

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