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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, Bring Me Back to The Place Where It Is All About You! (Prayer Journal 154)

Father, in Jesus' name, I bless You and praise You my God and my King. I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon Jesus as He died on the cross. You are not only the King of heaven and earth, but You are the King of my heart. Help me to submit to Your reign and rule in my life. Break me, Lord Jesus, so that I stop trying to buck You off of my back. Bring me to the place of humble submission to Your will so that I may carry Your presence and Word wherever You lead me.

Lord, I need You! For I cannot do anything apart from You, would not even exist if You had not chosen to create me, and would not know You if You had not chosen me in Christ before the foundation of the world. Everything that I have and everything that I can do is only because of You. There is no me, or anything else, without You.

Forgive me for so often living like I am my own independent, autonomous agent who is free to do whatever I feel like or want to do. You have redeemed me with Your precious blood. You have bought me at a high price, and I now belong to You. My body is a temple of Your Holy Spirit, and I am to glorify You in my body and spirit. Would You help me to fast this flesh and feast my spirit? Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me to yield to Him in all things.

Jesus, I am called to live for You and to love You every single second of my existence, not just to be used by You to minister to others. You do not need me to give another interview, lead another Bible study, talk to another person about You, speak at another pregnancy center banquet, speak at another school or college, preach at another church or outreach event, and put out another video on social media. I was created by You and for You. I want to give You more than sermons. I'm sorry Lord for the thing that I have made it when it is all about You. Bring me back to the heart of worship when it is all about You. May all that I say and do spring forth out of the overflow of an intimate relationship with You.

God, I have wanted and tried to make a name for myself when everything that You've entrusted to me is to honor Your name as holy, build Your Kingdom, and do Your will on earth as it is in heaven. I would rather You cause me to be publicly humiliated than for my flesh to glory in Your presence. It is sad that people think highly of me when I often am not thinking of You as highly as I ought. Noone needs me but everyone, especially me, desperately needs You. If You want me to stop everything, then I will. Bring me to the place where I no longer desire to be known or just greatly used by You. May all that I want is to know You, walk in intimacy with You, and make You known to others. Help, me to give myself away freely and fully to You, the Creator of all and lover of my soul, instead of to this world and the people that You created in it. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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