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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, May You Alone Be Everything To Me! (Prayer Journal 101)

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I do love You but not as I did at first. Bring me back to the place where You were absolutely everything to me. There was a time when I could not get enough of spending time with You in Your Word and prayer; fasting often and for extended periods of time; getting lost in worship with brothers and sisters for hours without a care in the world; wanting to please You in everything that I did; forsaking relationships, worldly entertainment, career ambitions, and money to follow You; doing things that seemed crazy and radical because I sensed Your Holy Spirit guiding me.

Lord, I rush through time in Your Word and in prayer so I can go and do infinitely lesser things. I rarely fast and when I do I usually consume too much food and drink around it. I find my mind distracted and my heart wavering if a worship gathering goes beyond a certain amount of time. I am more concerned with what my wife, kids, and others think more than what You think. I am often distracted from You by sports and other forms of entertainment. I play it safe and am often concerned with money when it comes to the opportunities before me. I often only do what seems rational and reasonable to me.

O God how far I have fallen! I am asking You to produce a godly sorrow in my soul and lead me to repent of my sin. Cause me to return to You. Reignite the flame of passion in my soul that burns out and off of me everything that is not like You, from You, and of You and burn into me the very character qualities of Jesus, the fruit of the Spirit. Cause Your holy fire to consume my life as You form Christ in my heart and form me more and more into the image of Christ. God I need You! For I cannot and will not love You and give You first place only as You deserve without Your help.

God, cause my eyes to weep over my sins against You, the Holy One. Lead me to confess and forsake my sin and find Your mercy. Make me a pure and holy vessel. Jesus, may Your resurrected life overflow out of me as I daily enjoy vibrant and intimate fellowship with You. May I be one who is set apart for You, abiding in You, and blessing and praising Your holy name at all times. Tear down the walls that keep me from giving all that I am and all that I have in full surrender to You. You love me with an everlasting love that no one or nothing can separate me from. You have shed Your love abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Soften my heart so that love freely flows to You and others without hindrance. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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