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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, Help Us To Walk Worthy of What You've Done! (Prayer Journal 96)

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, You are the high and lofty One, the holy One, who inhabits eternity and yet You choose to dwell with those who are humble and contrite. You are the Most High God whose throne is established in the heavens and whose Kingdom rules over all. You rule over the nations as You are seated on Your holy throne. You are set apart, other than, separate from Your creation and enthroned over all of it as King. You are absolute moral purity. There is no imperfection, flaw, or sin found in You. You are perfect in all Your ways. You are right in everything that You do and right in the way that You do all things.

God, You are good towards all that You have made. For You could have let all of creation be eternally destroyed because of humanity's disobedience, rebellion, and sin against You. Yet before the foundation of the world You set apart Jesus, the eternal Son of God, as a lamb to be slain to deal with sin by becoming the propitiation and substitutionary sacrifice for sin. Thank You Father for appointing a set time when Jesus would be sent into the world, fully human and fully God, to reconcile the world to Yourself through His death on the cross.

Thank You Jesus that through Your death You destroyed the one, satan, who held the power of death. Though that thief came to steal, kill, and destroy thank You Jesus that You came that we might have life and have it to the full. Thank You that Your life, as You were raised from the dead, destroys death, Your light overcomes and overpowers darkness, Your love overcomes hate, and Your joy overcomes sorrow. For those of us who have placed our faith in You, we have been delivered from the dominion of darkness, transferred into Your Kingdom, redeemed by Your precious blood Jesus, and forgiven of all our sins. Thank You that because of this we are now temples of Your Holy Spirit and Your divine life is in us.

Today, in light of who You are and what You've done, empower Your children to walk in intimate fellowship with You and in Your Kingdom authority. God, thank You that greater is the One (Jesus) in us then the one (satan) who is in the world. Jesus You have disarmed powers and principalities as You made a public spectacle of them through Your death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Lord Jesus, live Your resurrected life in and through us this day with great power and glory. Think through our minds, see through our eyes, hear through our ears, speak through our lips, obey and love through our hearts.

God, make us a people of prayer who pray that Your name is glorified in all the earth, Your Kingdom comes, and Your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Cause Your Kingdom agenda to displace and overpower the agenda of man and topple over the schemes and strategies of the enemy. Send us forth in the power of the Spirit to minister Jesus to our families, communities, churches, cities, states, nations, and world. Pour Your Holy Spirit out and loose Your Word like a category 5 hurricane that brings great destruction to the devil's works and brings forth Your Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy to the lives of many. Manifest Your presence among us and give us a glorious encounter with the Lord Jesus. As a result of this cause the lost to be saved, the lukewarm to repent, and the committed to go deeper still.

Jesus, I pray for the unity of the body of Christ in this nation, particularly among blacks and whites. I pray that we would truly love one another as You have loved us so that the world would know that we follow You. The division between people is so great yet the reconciliation that we have with God and one another through Your cross is infinitely greater. Help us to live out our new identity in Christ as one new humanity for You have become our peace as You tore down the wall of hostility between us. Move us to repent for our failures to live out the implications of the gospel. Forgive us for our generational sins and cause us to truly experience the covenantal generational blessings of Christ. Help us to forgive one another as God has forgiven us in Christ. Use us to rebuild the ancient ruins, restore the places long devastated, and renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. Revive us and bring a great spiritual awakening. Amen!!!

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