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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, Thank You for What You Did and What You Are Doing Through Your Church. (Prayer Journal 184)

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I bless You and praise You my God and my King. How amazing is it that You have made it possible for me to enter into Your presence? For You are holy and sit in unapproachable light. You would be just and right to pour out Your holy and eternal wrath on me and the rest of humanity for our sin and rebellion against You. I am grateful that in Your wrath that You remember mercy and for making a way for me to be right with You through faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus, thank You for leaving from the glory that You shared with the Father before the foundation of the world. Thank You, the Son King, for willingly leaving Your throne to plummet to the lowest of depths in order to redeem a people for God by the blood that You shed on the cross. It is absolutely amazing that You the creator of life would put on humanity so that You could bear our sins and die as the substitutionary sacrifice for all of them. You became a human being and yet never ceased being God. You the immortal One would come and experience mortality. Thank You God that You were in Christ reconciling the world to Yourself not counting our trespasses against us and raising from the dead to give us new life.

Jesus, thank You for sending the Holy Spirit so that the continuance of the Kingdom that You inaugurated is happening through the Church. Help us to be faithful to the task as You use us to prepare the way for Your return. The fact that You have not returned yet testifies to Your patience and Your longing for the full measure of those appointed for salvation to be brought into Your fold. Give me a passion for You and Your passion for the lost. Help me to do everything that You have assigned me to do in the gospel of the Kingdom being preached to all nations of the world. I pray the same for every member of the body of Christ throughout the world in all generations until You return for Your bride and restore all things to the Father.

God use me to build up, exhort, and strengthen the body of Christ. Break me from doing things because of the fear of man or to please people. Help me to live this life that You've given me for You, my audience of One. Let me only be concerned with what You say and think about me. Empower me to fully live out of the undivided heart that You have given me and teach me more and more to fear Your holy name. Use my life to honor Your name as holy, to partner with You in building Your Kingdom, and doing Your will on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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