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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Blown Away That You Invite Me to Come into Your Presence! (Prayer Journal 196)

Father, I am in awe of You. I am blown away and amazed by the truth that I am able to come boldly before Your holy presence because of the precious blood of Your Son Jesus. God, I realize how apathetic, indifferent, and lukewarm that my heart can be towards You. All I truly deserve is to be spit out of Your mouth and have Your wrath poured out on me.

Throughout my days there are moments when I disregard You, dishonor You, and disobey You. I know that there is nothing in me that makes me worthy of You, to have access into Your holy presence, to have an audience with You, and the precious gift of eternal life. Help me to always see myself in comparison to You, the Holy One, so I daily recognize my need for Your abundant mercy and amazing grace.

There are so many professing Christians who are longing for and loving the world far more than they are longing for and loving You. Is there any wonder why our families, schools, workplaces, communities, cities, states, nation, and world are so far from You? The salt of the earth has lost its saltiness, and the lights of the world are hiding under baskets rather than reflecting Your light. There are so many who profess You but yet never knew You as they live denying the sovereign Lord who bought them.

I do not say this in judgment but in fear and trembling as I do not want to run in vain. I am no better than anyone else yet can sometimes think that I am because my present sins are 'respectable' and not all that bad when I compare them to others. The only thing about that is that my self-righteousness is as filthy rags before Your holiness. In this I am once again reminded of my deep and desperate need for Jesus. Have mercy on me Lord!

If I am really honest then I'll admit that I am not wholeheartedly living for You and serving Your purpose in the earth. At the end of most days, I am worn out by the demands of my circumstances. Are my best days of walking with You and being used by You behind me? My thoughts have been of me getting older living out my days trying to find achievement, comfort, and satisfaction in the 'American Dream'. I sense myself drifting in that direction resigned that this is my lot in life. God by Your Spirit please help me stop the drift.

Give me a fresh encounter with You, as You did Moses at the burning bush, that will turn me from my daily routine to living out the role that You have for me in Your Kingdom agenda. Thank You for patiently preparing me for what You are preparing me to step into as an ambassador for Christ. I love You, Lord, and help me to demonstrate it by my obedience to You and my love for others. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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