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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, Because You Do Not Change and Are at Work in My Life Everything Will Be Ok (Prayer Journal 121)

O God Almighty, help me to focus my heart, my mind, and my life upon You. For You and You only are my Rock. You are the stability for my life in the midst of a world that is constantly shaking and shifting. You are the foundation of my life, and You will never be moved. You do not react or respond to circumstances or situations. Everything is under Your sovereign control and being moved forward by You to bring about Your Kingdom, purpose, and will. Bring me to the place in Jesus where I am able to sleep in the middle of the storms.

Jesus, You are my God and my King. Take Your rightful place on the throne of my heart just as Your throne is established in the heavens and Your kingdom rules over all. Help me to quiet my soul in Your holy presence. Once again leave me in awe and wonder of You. Speak to me Lord and minister to the depths of my soul so that I may experience a deeper fellowship with You. Out of the overflow of an intimate walk with You use me to love my wife as Christ loved the Church; to not exasperate my kids but to bring them up in the fear and the instruction of the Lord; to love my brothers and sisters in Christ as You, Jesus, have loved me; and to act justly and love mercy as I relate to those outside of Christ.

God, You have chosen, called, appointed, and apportioned to me great grace to partner with You in Your Kingdom purposes. The reason why, I will never know. I often get in the way, mess things up, get distracted, and want infinitely lesser things than You, the One and only true and living God. I often feel like I am a massive renovation project that should be so much further along than I am. Help me to cooperate with You in the process as I work out my salvation with fear and trembling for it is You, God, who works in me to will and to do of Your own good pleasure. I am thankful for Your patience with me and the truth that You will indeed bring to completion what You have begun in me.

Forgive me for failing to trust You to easily do things that are impossible for me. I confess that I need You desperately and cannot do anything apart from You. You are Almighty God and there is nothing too hard or impossible for You. I ask You to do to, in, and through me those things that will honor Your name as holy, build Your Kingdom, and cause Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to abide in You, Jesus, as Your Word abides in me so that I may bear much fruit to the Father's glory. May I live this life that You've given me from Your divine eternal perspective.

Lastly God, I ask You to pour out Your Spirit afresh and anew upon those who are set apart for You through faith in Jesus Christ. Fill us, revive us, and use us to glorify Jesus throughout the earth. Anoint and use us to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ and Your presence to people where we are and wherever You send us. Make our prayer as individual members of the body of Christ and as a unified corporate body be, 'Lord Jesus You must increase, and we must decrease.' As You Jesus are lifted up through our lives and words may all men be drawn unto You. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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