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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, Help Me To Surrender My Life More to You! (Prayer Journal 21)

O holy Father, in Jesus name, I bless and praise You my God, my King, and my friend. You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Maker of all things visible and invisible. You are the eternal, self-existing, self-sufficient One who has always been and forever will be. You need nothing and no one. Yet everything and everyone needs You! You are the source of all things and without You nothing else exists.

Thank you for choosing to create me, for calling me to Yourself, and choosing me in Christ even before the foundation of the world. Thank you for adopting me into your holy and royal family. What amazing love that You have lavished on me for I am now a child of God and what I shall be has not yet appeared. But when He, Jesus, appears, I shall be like Him for I shall see Him as He is. And that is the hope the purifies my life in this present evil age. God, I am thankful that there is absolutely nothing in all creation that will ever separate me from Your love. Thank You for demonstrating Your love towards us (me) in this that while we (I) were (was) yet sinners Christ died for us.

Lord, You have taken Your love and shed it abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Now I have Your divine empowerment to love You, the Lord my God, with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love my neighbor as I love myself. God, help me to put the deeds of this old sinful flesh to death and to walk worthy of Your Kingdom as You fill me with Your Spirit. For I am not my own, I belong to You. You have purchased me at a high price, with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus, I am asking You to live Your resurrected life in and through me with great power and glory.

God, bring me to a place of greater surrender to You and submission to Your will. I am often so easily distracted from You. How is that even possible when there is no one or nothing that infinitely comes close to comparing to who You are and what You've done? You are so infinitely greater than all things and yet I so often allow temporary things to sidetrack me from seeking Your face and walking in Your ways. God, would You graciously lead me to repent of my sins, renounce idols, and return to You my first love with my whole heart. For whom do I have in heaven but You? And earth has nothing that I desire besides You. My heart and my flesh may fail but God You are the strength of my heart and my portion forevermore.

In light of this, help me to live each and every moment of each and every day that You give me for You, Your glory, and Your Kingdom. I am Your child, a representative of God, an ambassador of Christ strategically placed where I am to do You will. O God, in these days of great uncertainty, from man's perspective, You are fulfilling Your purpose in the earth. Grant me, and each and every member of the body of Christ, a boldness, compassion, urgency, and wisdom to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who are broken, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead all around us. God I ask that You'd anoint us by Your Spirit and use us to win great multitudes to the Lord Jesus Christ by any means necessary and all means available. In Jesus' name, Amen!

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