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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, May You Be My Singular Focus as You Guide My Steps! (Prayer Journal 163)

Father, help me to live for You at all times no matter where I am or what I am doing. For I am to always love You with everything that I am and all that You've given me and to love my neighbors as I love myself. Bring me to the place where my highest priority is to honor You as holy as You use me to partner with You in the coming of Your Kingdom and Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

God, grant me clarity and insight for taking the next step in my walk with You as You accomplish Your will and purpose in and through my life. Thank You that Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my pathway. You have ordered my steps in Your way. Watch over the members of my household and protect us from every evil scheme of the enemy and manifestations of evil in this world.

Do not let me settle for a life of comfort and convenience when You have called me to take the hill country. Do not let me shrink back in fear from doing Your will but to continue to move forward in faith even in the face of impossible odds. For there is nothing too hard or impossible for You. Break me from laziness and slothfulness. I cannot do anything apart from You, Jesus. Yet I am able to do infinitely more than I can think or dream through Christ who strengthens me.

I do not want to miss You or anything that You have for me. Make me one who seeks Your face, O God of Jacob. As I do, would You freely give me all that You have in Your hands for me to do Your will and bring You glory. Grant me the grace to cast all of my cares upon You as You care for me. Fill me afresh with You Holy Spirit and remind me that You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can ask or imagine according to Your great power that works mightily in me. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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