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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, Help Us To Live With An Eternal Perspective! (Prayer Journal 64)

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for being with us every step along the way. Your eye is always upon us for You are the God who sees us. You are for us and because that is true who can be against us? You have promised to never leave us nor to forsake us as You are with us always even to the end of the age.

In the chaos, confusion, and uncertainty of our lives and world, the enemy of our souls is trying to neutralize us through disappointment, discouragement, distraction and disruption to the point where we do not even care anymore. God, we need You to breakthrough and unravel the schemes of the enemy. By Your Spirit, empower and strengthen us to fight with the spiritual weapons that You have entrusted to us.

God, there are so many of us who do not like or understand the way things are but I pray that You would use it to help us see our need for You, draw near to You, as You make us more and more like Jesus. Jesus, You did not give into Your feelings and flesh to by pass the cross. Thank You for surrendering to the Father's will as You endured the cross despising the shame as You are now exalted and seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Through what You have done You have made available to us the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. Forgive us for taking breaks on You and help us to surrender all to You.

God, do not let us keep hitting the snooze button as You are ringing the alarm to get our attention. Move us to repent of our sins, to renounce our idols, and return to You the One and only true and living God. Jesus, awaken Your Church from her sleep and slumber as You revive us again. Through Your revived Church I am asking You to bring a great spiritual awakening to the multitudes who are dead in their sins and without hope in the world. Jesus, take what the enemy planned for evil, turn it to good, and use it for the saving of many lives.

God, we need a mighty move and outpouring of Your Spirit in the world. There is only darkness, death, despair, and hopelessness without Your divine intervention. Jesus, You are the only hope for the world. The coming of Your Kingdom is the only thing that can bring salvation to humanity and renewal to all of creation. For You will give new resurrection bodies to those who have believed in You and bring about a new heavens and a new earth in which Your people will dwell in Your presence. Jesus, we long for the day when You will make everything new. From now until then, help us to be faithful to watch, pray, and work in Your harvest until Your return. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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