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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Give Me Faith to Trust You (Prayer Journal - Excerpt 13)

Father, in Jesus name, bring me to the place where I wake up each morning with great anticipation of seeking Your face, enjoying Your Presence, and serving Your purposes. O God break me from just going through the motions and waiting for a change to come. May I not find motivation from circumstances and situations but from daily living in intimate fellowship with You, the Living God.

O God, bring me to the place where I truly believe that You are more than enough. That if I had to be in solitary confinement then I would have great joy knowing that You are with me and for me. I ask that You would please burn out of me and off of me everything that is not like You and from You. Burn into me the very character qualities of Christ. Cause the fire of Your Holy Spirit to burn brightly in me, consuming my heart, setting my life ablaze with a passion for You and Your glory. O God, grant me the desire and power to live for You only.

Jesus, I ask You to bring me to total and complete surrender to Your good, pleasing, and perfect will. Bring me more fully to the realization that I do not get to choose what You do to, in, and through my life for the glory of Your name. Help me to give up trying to figure out what I am to do with this life that You have given me. Open my eyes to see You, my ears to hear You, and my heart to respond to You in faith and in obedience. Help me today to come after You, Jesus, denying myself, taking up my cross and following You wherever You lead me regardless of what that brings - hardships, suffering, isolation, being ostracized, misunderstood, life or death. Bring me to the place, like the Apostle Paul, that I can sincerely say that I long for Christ to magnified in my body whether by life or death.

God, is there something that You want me to step out in faith and do? Perhaps something that You've laid on my heart in the past that I once had great confidence that it would happen. Yet now I've forgotten about it because the circumstances make it seem like an impossibility. Is there a dream that You've given me like Joseph that You desire to bring to pass? I am so tired of reading about and watching how You've used others thinking that You could never use me in that way. Forgive me for my doubt and unbelief and help me to repent. God, help me to believe You to work in and through my life in such a way that it could only be explained by the truth that You are with me.

God, give me the faith to step out of the boat and to walk on the water to You even in the midst of the raging storm and the uncontrollable waves of the sea. Do not let me wait until circumstances seem more ideal before I obey You. Help me to take You at Your Word and do what You say even when others think that I have lost my mind. Help me to be faithful to You where You have me now. Fully trusting that in Your time that You'll bring about Your purpose in a manner that will cause people to see the reality of who You are more clearly. God, help me to remember that regardless of what is going on that You, my Lord, are with me and granting success as I trust You. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Let the Lord minister to your heart as you listen to and reflect on the words of this song. God bless!!!

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