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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, I Need You to Lead Me Higher! (Prayer Journal 169)

Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for being faithful for You cannot deny Yourself. I often deny You and am faithless. Yet You continue to be merciful and patient with me. Why, at times, am I so uncertain and unsure about You using my life to partner with You in Your Kingdom purposes? Even though I am overwhelmed and struggling with doubt, I am going to call to You for I know that You hear me and can lift me out of the depths of despair.

God, Your Word declares that Your anger only lasts a moment but that Your favor lasts a lifetime. Why do I act like a lifetime of favor has been used up when my life is not over yet? I am acting as if You are continually punishing me and holding back things from me because of my daily sins. I have been treating the blood of Jesus as if it is not enough for my sin and that something else needs to be added to it. I often act as if I am still living under the old covenant by the letter of the law, rather than by the Spirit in the grace afforded to me in Jesus Christ. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!

God, help me to be encouraged because of who You are, what You've done, and all that You have promised. I am so fickle, so wishy washy, so up and down, so delicate and fragile, so often wanting to quit over the smallest of things. I need the sufficiency of Your grace as I experience Your strength being made perfect in my weakness. I often pray for You to manifest Your presence, pour out Your Spirit, loose Your Word, and reveal Jesus to people and then do not believe that You hear and will answer me.

Why is it so hard for me to trust You? Is the enemy of my soul causing me to focus on my feelings of utter inadequacy and incompetency to distract me from the truth that Your Spirit and Word are powerfully working to, in, and through my life? I am so tired of doubting You and wanting to quit. Are You allowing me to be brought to the end of myself so that I may truly experience the fullness of God in and through my life? I feel like I am dying on the vine when I should be thriving with Your divine life freely flowing. Are You pruning me or am I drifting and falling away? Are You taking me through things that will cause me to hunger and thirst for You more or am I losing my desire and delight for You? I am not sure but You know what is going on in the depths of my soul. I want to love You and live for You. But I cannot do it without Your help. Help me to choose You and yield to Your Spirit daily as You lead me to the higher place in You (my Rock). In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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