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God, Please Lift This Plague! (Prayer Journal 30)

* (My preface to this prayer) I do not claim to be a prophet or one who has special knowledge of what God is doing in the world or through His Church in these turbulent days that we are living in. But I would like to humbly submit what I sensed God leading me to pray in my prayer journal after reading 2 Samuel 24. So whether or not You agree or disagree with my sanctified wondering as to why this plague of COVID is in the earth, may we as God's people rededicate ourselves to Him and pray for the Lord to remove this plague.

Holy Father, in Jesus name, I am asking You to revive Your people again and then use us as holy instruments in Your hands to bring a spiritual awakening to the nations. David in 2 Samuel 24 trusted in the number of Israel's fighting men rather than You, the God who is strong and mighty in battle. We too have trusted more in the arm of the flesh rather You the living God. We have put our trust in earthly leaders of nations, corporations, organizations, and even those in the Church. We have trusted in the economy, our jobs, our savings, and investments. We have looked to and trusted in the scientific and technological advancements made in our world. We have looked to and trusted in our military might and the status of our nation as opposed to other nations. We have embraced and believed the ways of men and worldly philosophies more than the Word of God. In all of these things, we Your people, have sinned against You.

God, please forgive us for our sin. Like David, would You cause our consciences to be stricken with guilt and move us to confess our sin to You? Lord God, could it be that You have sent this plague of COVID-19 upon the nations of the earth for the failure of the Church of Jesus Christ to trust You and truly represent You as Christ's ambassadors in the earth? God, so many have died and sadly we, Your people, do not seem to care all that much. It broke David's heart that 70,000 people died in a few days because of his sin and failure to trust You. He knew that his failure to represent You was the cause of the plague which led to the death of so many.

God, we rarely think that what is going on in the earth has anything to do with our sin. We all deserve death (not just physical but eternal) for our sin. But for those of us who have been brought to faith in Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven and we have new life through His death and resurrection. Yet we have failed to live out the reality of this new life and often live no differently than those who do not know Christ. If it is the case that the failure of Your people to trust and live for You is the cause of this plague (COVID-19), that has led to over 429K deaths in the United States and over 2 million deaths around the world, then break our heart over our sin and lead us to repent. Move our hearts to care about those who are dying (many without Christ). Grant us Your heart of compassion for the multitudes who have lost loved ones to this plague and use us to minister Christ to them.

God, move us to bring You an offering that is of great cost as we rededicate our lives fully to You. That in light of Your mercies to us, that we will present our bodies to You as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, for this is our spiritual act of worship. Stir us up to pray to You to lift this plague, according to the time that You have set, hear our prayer, and remove it from our nation and and the nations of the earth. Do it, O God, in such a way that people will know that it did not go away because of mask wearing, social distancing, governmental policies, vaccines, or scientific research. Do it in such a miraculous way that people will know that God did it in response to the repentance and prayers of His people (2 Chronicles 7:14).

God, move so mightily and powerfully to, in, and through Your people that the presence of Christ and the Word of God will be seen, heard, and experienced by all those that You send us to. Use us to glorify Your name, to build Your Kingdom, and Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Make us a people who seek You and find You as we search for You with all of our hearts. God, prepare Your people as we are shut away with You for the public unveiling and revealing of Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ in ways that we have never imagined seeing You move in the earth. May we truly be an Acts 29 Church, as we see the acts of the Holy Spirit manifested through Your people. Use us in our days, like You did Paul and Silas, to turn the world upside down as we with great boldness, courage, confidence, humility, power, and conviction minister the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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