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God, Use Me (Us) To Rescue Those Being Led Away To Slaughter! (Prayer Journal 68)

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

God, give me Your heart and help me to stand up for the sanctity of human life by defending, protecting, and speaking up for the preborn babies in the womb. Grant me boldness, courage, compassion, love, truth, and wisdom as You use me in the changing of hearts and lives by the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and even in the changing of laws through public policy. As You worked in William Wilberforce's life to bring an end to the slave trade and slavery in England, work in my life, along with others, to bring an end to the scourge of abortion in the United States of America and other nations of the world.

God, we have sinned greatly as we have shed the innocent blood of 62 million plus preborn babies legally in this nation by abortion since 1973. We have destroyed precious lives created in the image of God and in doing so we have attacked You, the One in whose image these lives are created in. We have defied, denied, and rebelled against You as we have participated in, been complicit, and silent when daily between 2,000-3,000 preborn babies are killed in their mother's wombs. This happens most days without any mention from the media and thoughts about them in our minds.

God, who am I to do or say anything when I am guilty of being complicit in the death of my first child in the womb of her mother? I have blood on my hands and have caused great pain and suffering to others due to my wicked sin and blatant disregard for You, the Author of Life. Yet You have forgiven the guilt of my sin through the innocent pure blood of Jesus Christ that removes my sin from me as far as the east is from the west. You have poured out the abundance of Your grace and Spirit upon me and called me to be a champion for preborn babies, a minister of compassion, grace, and truth to their moms and dads, and a minister of forgiveness, grace, healing, and salvation to men, women and families that have been affected and broken by abortion.

God, shake me from my apathy, complacency, and indifference and move me to do something in the face of this great evil. Break me free from the fear of man, from what people may do, say, or think of me. For You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Truly break my heart for what breaks Yours, move me to hate what You hate and to love what You love. Throw me into these waters that are so dangerous, deep, and fast moving that I have to be completely dependent and fully surrendered to You at all times. Forgive me for jumping in and out when I want to engage and more often than not holding back from You. The entirety of my life belongs to You as You have purchased me with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. You use my life as You have purposed so that Your name is honored as holy, Your Kingdom comes, and will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

Jesus, move the hearts of Your followers to weep over the deaths of preborn babies who are murdered in their mothers wombs. Let Your divine life flow to, in, and through Your Church in the earth overcoming physical and spiritual death. Move us Your people who are called by Your name, to humble ourselves and pray, to seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways so that You may hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land. I plead the blood of Jesus over my sins and the sins of my nation as I pray that You would revive Your Church and bring an end to abortion in America. Bring revival to my heart and send me to people carrying the holy presence and Word of God to the broken, hurting, lost, spiritually dead and in darkness as You restore, heal, reconcile, make alive and shine Your light. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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