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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, We Long for The Day When Evil Is No More and We Are Fully with You! (Prayer Journal 190)

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I bless You and praise You my God, my King, my Savior, my friend, my everything. You are more awesome than I could ever know. You are incomprehensible, inscrutable, indescribable, infinite, uncontainable, eternal, sovereign, almighty, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, unchanging, self-existing, self-sufficient, all seeing, holy, righteous, perfect, and a countless list of other words that I do not know their full meanings. If these words and their meanings are beyond my knowledge and understanding, then I would be foolish to think that I could ever know and understand who You are and what You have done for me.

You are the Maker of the heavens and the earth. You are the Creator of all things visible and invisible. You created humanity in Your image and likeness for Your purpose and pleasure knowing that we would disobey and rebel against You. What blows my mind is that You chose a people to be Yours in Christ before the foundation of the world. Thank You for setting apart Jesus Christ as the lamb to be slain from before the foundation of the world. You made provision for the redemption of the world before You created it.

Sin entered the world through the devil's deception and temptation at the failure of the first man Adam to obey You. This caused decay and corruption to come to all that You made good from the beginning. I am so grateful that Your eternal Son, Jesus, was manifested in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil. God, You were in Christ reconciling the world to Yourself not counting men's trespasses (sins) against them. Thank You for making a way for us to once again come into Your holy presence by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You that through faith in Jesus we are new creations and the first fruits of Your redemption. Believers in Jesus are evidence of the full redemption that is yet to be realized in the new heavens and new earth where will live in new bodies.

O what a day of rejoicing that will be when we will be fully in the presence of God and the Lamb who was slain for our sin. There will be nothing that keeps us from You anymore. Evil will be forever vanquished as satan, the beast, the false prophet and all those who refused to follow the Lamb will be thrown into the lake of fire. There will be no more death, no more pain, no more grief, and no more tears. The Lover of our souls will no longer seem distant from us when we no longer have to deal with this lustful flesh, this hostile world, and the devil's forces of darkness.

Being with You in the glory of Christ as it is fully revealed will be all that matters to us. Even the glory of the new creation will have no appeal to us because we will be with the One who created and redeemed it all. You want nothing more than to be with us and You literally moved heaven and earth to make that our reality. Bring us to the place, even in this present age, where there is nothing else that we desire than to be with You.

God do a work Your children's hearts that bring us back to the heart of worship where Jesus is the center of our lives. May You alone have the preeminence, priority, and first place only in all things. Help our hearts to be aligned with You Kingdom priorities as we pray and live for Your name to honored as holy throughout the earth, Your Kingdom to come, and Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help us to love righteousness and hate wickedness that we are a people who are quick to confess and repent of sin, renounce idols, turn away from false gods, and return to You our first love with our whole hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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