Holy Father, in Jesus' name, here I am once again to meet with You, to bless and praise Your name, as You minister to the depths of my soul. You are awesome and Almighty. You are the most honorable and holy. You are the One and only true and living God who is eternal, self-existing, self-sufficient, and unchanging. You are the Creator of all things. There is no one like You. Never has there been and never will there ever be. You are God alone and You alone are God.
God, help me to humble myself before Your majestic and glorious presence. For You are the God Most High and all things are beneath You. Your throne is established in the heavens and Your Kingdom rules over all. Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and Your dominion endures throughout all generations. You are great and Your greatness is unsearchable. Your greatness no one can fathom. You are infinitely beyond me and all that You have made. You have no rivals, You have no equals, now and forever, God, You reign. I am blown away by Your infinite greatness and Your matchless splendor.
O God, I am also blown away by the depths to which You humbled Yourself to come and reconcile the world to Yourself through the death of Jesus on the cross. God, how absolutely amazing is it that You have made a way for me to come into Your holy presence! Thank You for passionately pursuing me, patiently putting up with me, and for not allowing anything to separate me from Your love. Thank You for Your manifest presence, provision, protection, and using me to partner with You in Your eternal purpose.

God, I am often overwhelmed by all that is going on in the world and in my life. I know that I do not have enough time, resources, power, ability, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to accomplish what You've called me to. I am not ashamed to admit my desperate need for You. You are the source of my strength and the strength of my life. It is true that apart from You, I can do nothing, and yet I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. So by the Spirit, help me to abide in You, Lord Jesus, as Your word abides in me that I may bear much fruit for the Father's glory.
Holy Father, consume me with Your presence and help me to walk in intimate fellowship with You. May all that I do freely flow out of the overflow of my relationship with You. O God search my heart and prove me, check my thoughts and try me, see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in Your everlasting way. Grant me an undivided heart and teach me to fear Your holy name. God, help me to fully surrender myself to You and I ask You to unleash Your radical, empowering grace to, in, and through my life for the glory of Your name and the building of Your Kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen!