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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, You Are Still Working on Me! (Prayer Journal 115)

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I bless You, praise You, and thank You my God and my King. There is no one like You, no one who comes infinitely close. Forgive me for allowing the waves of the world to toss me to and fro and for too often giving in to the lusts of my flesh. I confess that I have been drifting away from You more than abiding in You, Lord Jesus. As a result, I often feel out of sorts, overwhelmed by the cares of life, wanting to throw in the towel, while hosting my own pity party. This should not be for You have never given up on me, have never let me go, and have promised to never leave me nor forsake me.

God, I am in Your hands and there is no one or nothing that will ever pluck me out. You have sealed me with Your Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. Yet I find myself so often failing to live for You. Why in heavens name should I just assume that Your anointing will remain on my life when I have moments of utter faithlessness? So often I am no different than the Pharisees and religious leaders whose lips were near You while their hearts were far from You. Who shall deliver me from this hypocrisy? Thanks be to God for the Lord Jesus Christ who died for my sins and was raised from the dead to give me a new life.

Thank You for encouraging my heart as You have opened my eyes to see things from Your divine perspective. Since this is now true help me to live by faith and not by sight. Help me in light of who You are and what You have done to give myself fully to You so that You may have the preeminence, priority, and first place only in my life. Do not allow me to continue to go through the motions but to walk in intimate fellowship with You from a devoted and pure heart to You. All I know is that without Your divine intervention then I am stuck in this place. Thank You for the good work that You have begun in me that You will complete on the day of Jesus Christ. Anoint and use my life to glorify Your name and to represent You in all the places and spaces that You have assigned me. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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Earl Mauldin
Earl Mauldin

Thank you brother David for your heartfelt felt prayers. I pray them back to the Lord, they are so on point in my life. 

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