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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, Help Me to Never Cease being Desperate for You! (Prayer Journal 174)

O God, I cannot escape from this one truth. I need You! Help me to live with a holy desperation. For I am nothing and can do nothing apart from You. You are the source of my strength, and You are the strength of my life. I am desperate for You, and I am lost without You. You are the air that I breathe. It is Your holy presence living in me. Your Word is my daily bread. Make me a man who loves Your presence and wants nothing more than to walk in daily intimate fellowship with You in Your Word.

Open my ears to hear You as You speak. Soften and sensitize my heart to Your Word. Help me to respond to it in faith and obedience as I yield to Your Holy Spirit. Bring me to the place where I do what You want regardless of how insignificant, mundane, ordinary, ridiculous, unusual, or weird Your Word seems to me. How can I ever fully know or understand what You are saying to me when You Yourself cannot be fully known nor understood? How can I ever fully understand Your ways when Your ways are past finding out? Yet I ask You to help me to trust You especially at those times when my circumstances, my thoughts, and others tell me to do differently than what You have spoken.

Though I know that I can never fully know and understand You and Your ways, I ask You to grant me greater knowledge and understanding of who You are. Teach me Your ways that I may know You better each and every day. As You grow me in these things, I ask You to grow me even more in humility. May I know and understand more and more that You are God, and I am not. You need no one and nothing. I along with every person and everything needs You.

Lord Jesus, help me to abide in You as Your Word remains in me that I may bear much fruit for the Father's glory. Grow me in my dependence upon You and my desire for You. Bring me to the place where I don't just need You but that I want You more than anyone and anything else. Live Your resurrected life in and through me as You wear my body as Your suit of clothes. Manifest Your presence and reveal Yourself to others through my life. Hear through my ears, see through my eyes, think through my mind, speak through my lips, love and obey through my heart, serve through my hands, and lead me through these legs set on beautiful feet as You send me to take the good news of Your Kingdom to my neighbors and the nations.

Jesus, capture my heart afresh as I surrender it to You. Set it ablaze with a first love fire for You that consumes my life where I am not able to remain silent about You. Bring me back to the heart of worship where it is all about You and I am not ashamed of Your gospel. Help me to live by this simple math: Everything - Jesus = nothing; Jesus + everything = nothing; Jesus + nothing = everything. Bring me to the place where I don't want anyone else, and I don't need anything else. For You are my one thing. May You have the preeminence, priority, and first place only in my life.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I may live in a manner worthy of You and your Kingdom. Guide me in what You have for me today and help me to offer unto You simple obedience. Speak Lord for Your child and servant is listening. Break me of doing what I want when I want because deep down, I think that I am in control of my life. The reality is that my life and times are in Your hands. My life is not my own. I belong to You as You have bought me with Your precious blood. Use my life to bring You glory in everything, to partner with You in the building of Your Kingdom, and to be a holy vessel through which Your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen!!!

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