Father, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I boldly come once again before Your holy and righteous throne. I am so grateful to have access into Your presence because of the shed blood of Jesus on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. God, You were in Christ reconciling me back to Yourself and because of that abundant and eternal life belong to me.

Jesus, please do not let me waste time focusing on issues that are divisive and cannot give people what they desperately need. Teach me how and help me to make You the issue regardless of what others are doing and saying. Even if in the process I look foolish, ignorant, and out of touch. You are the only hope for the nations and the only Savior for all the world. Sin is the common problem faced by every person and Jesus You are God's only provision for that problem. Our sin separates us from God, one another, deserves God's wrath, and leads to death. Jesus, You reconcile people to God and one another, satisfy God's wrath for sin through Your death, and give life as You've been resurrected from the dead. Thank You that this is the new reality for all those who have believed in You.

Jesus, do not ever let me see myself or think that I am an expert or the one needed because of invitations to engage in certain conversations and speak. Help me to always recognize my desperate need for You and that this is true for all others, whether they recognize their need for You or not. Keep me humble before God and use me to proclaim the good news of who You are and what You've done at all times. Do not let me live for popularity with men but use me as a holy instrument in Your hands to strengthen the Church, lead people to Christ, and do great damage to the devil's kingdom. Truly bring me to the place where I do not care about the accolades and applause of man but all that I really care about is commendation from my heavenly Father.

God, help me to live for You, my audience of One, and in everything that I do want to please You and bring You glory. Fill me with great joy as I walk in intimate fellowship with You as I do Your will in private and in public. Grant me influence and insight for Your glory to be revealed even more but never so much that my flesh begins to glory in Your presence. Jesus, ride me like the colt that You rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. No one was preoccupied with the colt but all were preoccupied with and praising You. No matter how large or small the platforms that You choose to use me on help me to always realize that You only are essential, necessary, and needed by me and those You send me to.
Jesus, consume my entire life by Your holy presence. Fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit. Let me be so close to You where there is no more me but only You. Help me to love You, the Lord my God, with all of my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Jesus, reveal Yourself to me like I've never known or seen You before. Make me more intentional in my pursuit of You from this day until the day You call me to Yourself. Please break every ounce of selfish ambition and vain conceit in my heart and life. Bring me daily to a place of greater surrender to You where I care about me less and honor and glorify You more.
God, may others encounter You through my life and lips. Anoint and use me to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and as I do may great multitudes be drawn to Him. May I be blown away by great multitudes in heaven who'll say to me that Jesus used me to lead them to Him. May I take the rewards that You, Jesus, give me and throw them at Your feet knowing that everything of eternal value accomplished through my life was because of Your glorious grace. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!